3 Key Marketing Takeaways from Mr.Chandramouli’s Audio Launch and its preludes

On 25th April 2018, I attended the audio launch of the movie, Mr.Chandramouli at Sathyam Cinemas in Chennai. It was my first visit to an event of this kind. The producers of the movie, Mr. Dhananjayan G, Mr. S. Vikram Kumar and Mrs. Lalitha Dhananjayan had rendered a grand and a colorful event. As a marketing enthusiast, I found a lot of takeaways from the event and its preludes. In this article, I share my observations.
1. Leveraging technology to boost attendance to the event:
I found an invite from the website, Behindwoods, which it had posted in its social media. Invite was for the audio launch of the movie, Mr.Chandramouli. The invite encouraged people to send their name to the Whatsapp mobile number present in it. After sending the message, the sender received a message with two entry passes to the event.
I find this approach to be an effective one in reaching out to the potential attendees of an event. Also, it appeared to be less invasive. Yet another point to note here is that the invite isn’t limited to certain audience as it is shared in social media.
2. Choosing contents appropriate to the event:
In an event, it is important to choose contents that aligns with your target audience. The producers of Mr.Chandramouli had chosen contents for the event by keeping in mind its target audience.
Attendees of the event got a chance to take a look at the trailer of the movie. A couple of video songs from Mr.Chandramouli were also showcased. And, the makers had got speakers for the event… speakers who are well known in the industry and who have experiences to share to the audience.
Marketing Journo
3. Engaging audience who have missed the event:
Makers of the movie, ensured that people who couldn’t attend the event also felt engaged. So, certain sessions of the event were live streamed in social media. Also, the trailer was shared in social media later in the evening.
The above mentioned approaches seem to be in practice for a while. Since, this is my first visit to an event of this scale, I have documented my observations. And, as a fan of movie marketing, I look forward to more of innovative ideas enhancing the regional movie audio launch events.
Now, let me know your perceptions about the event in the comments!