Marketing Journo

3 ways to effectively promote Movies with AR

3 ways to effectively promote Movies with AR
3 ways to effectively promote Movies with AR

In addition to their efforts in moviemaking, the film production houses have also been putting in ample efforts to make their movies reach their target audience. With technology growing day by day, there seem to be plentiful options available for the production houses to promote their movies. Augmented reality has been one among those technologies. Here are 3 ways in which the movies could be effectively promoted with augmented reality, by the film production houses…

1. Interactive film posters:

Disney in association with blippAR had come up with a blipp for the 2014 summer blockbuster, ‘Guardians of the Galazy’. When the ‘blippAR’ app is opened and blipped at the film’s interactive poster, the following contents get unlocked

Options to…

The interactive posters could be officially shared in social media and also be placed in cine halls, multiplexes and in places where the public might engage with the posters.

Scan the first picture that is available in the below web link using the ‘blippAR’ app to unlock exclusive contents pertaining to the movie, ‘Guardians of the Galaxy‘!

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2. Themed mobile games:

By partnering with blippAR, General Mills had launched a Spider-Man game to promote the release of ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’. By blipping the ‘blippAR’ app over the covers or posters of various products of General Mills such as Chex Mix and Fruit Snacks, people were able to access the game.

Along the lines of the above mentioned strategy of General Mills, Campbell’s Soup too had come up a Spider-Man themed mobile game by partnering with blippAR.

Scan the first picture that is available in the below web link using the ‘blippAR’ app to play the Spider-Man themed mobile game!

3. Interactive murals:

To promote Legion (an American cable television series produced by FX productions in association with Marvel Television), 5 augmented reality murals were placed in 5 locations such as Brooklyn, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco. By blipping the ‘blippAR’ app over the murals, the following contents get unlocked

Options to…

The above contents could as well be accessed by blipping the ‘blippAR’ app over the limited edition augmented reality posters available in few select local comic book stores.

Following suit the above ways, the below mentioned options could as well be incorporated as the contents that could be unlocked in an augmented reality app

Options to…

  1. access exclusive interviews of the movie’s cast and crew
  2. get to know the cinema timetables
  3. get access to cinema ticket booking web-links

Scan the first picture that is available in the below web link using the ‘blippAR’ app to unlock exclusive contents pertaining to the television series, ‘Legion‘!

Hope you liked reading the article! Now, let me know your opinions on the article, and on how the augmented reality technology could be leveraged by the film production houses for promoting their movies, in the comments!


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